Monday 16 January 2017

Whale watching awesomesaucer - sorry, no pics!

So, of course the day I forget to bring the camera to the beach, there is a pod of several gray whales frolicking within 50-60 ft of the shoreline. We have never seen such massive animals that close from land and it was awe-inspiring!

If anyone thinks whales are just "dumb big fish", this encounter would change their minds...there definitely was an exchange going on between the small group that gathered on the beach and the sea mammals. Over and over, a couple of the more curious whales swam back and forth along the shoreline where about six people had gathered, regularly poking their heads above the waves in an act known as "spy hopping". They were clearly checking us out, and we were close enough to clearly see their eyes. Even the dogs on the beach were part of the exchange - one large setter/retriever cross was tracking their movements back and forth across the sand and a chihuahua, in typical small dog fashion, barked up a frenzy at the beasts every time they surfaced.

Wish I had some pictures to share, but alas. Though it was also a gift to just watch in wonderment without worrying about pointing and clicking. Your imagination can do the rest.

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